Many Thanks, Mr. Nishino (Middle)

With Old Notes of his Young Days’ Struggle

日本浪漫学会会長 濱野成秋
By Seishu Hamano, Japan Romanticism Academia


This is the second part of the essay on our teacher Mr. Nishino’s personal history. Kindly read the former part and take the following description into your consideration. Mr. Nishino, Japanese language teacher of Tomioka Middle School, had an astounding stressful everyday life while in the WW2 when he was still a college boy. I believe it also necessary to depict the background history of our country since Meiji Restoration, opening all the ports to the world, but, after seventy years afterwards, though keeping independency as an industrially strong nation, very sorrowful and regretful to say, our old generation’s great effort to avoid westerners’ colonization, forcibly and reluctantly, lead the big war in the Pacific Ocean.
In this section, under such global condition, I will write about late Mr. Nishino’s young days suffering much more than before, and all the readers, please try to think what is the best step we should take for the world-wide eternal peace.

4. 師範学校と戦前の日本国





4. Teachers’ College and Prewar Militarism

All the applicants to teachers’ college had some strong emotion to educate youth with absolute belief that they should keep fixed notion to bring up the young generation to be a respectable person. It was a philosophy of those young applicants, unlike today’s, who become a teacher only because of his or her preference, but even with so strong will power they could not keep their philosophy because of nation-wide military patriotism.

Both Shino-Japan war and Russo-Japan war brought us sense of victory and with such mood, Japan’s militarism insisting on its independency broke out successive wars in Manchuria, Shanghai, and China lasting for 15 years in the 1930s and 40’s. Those soldiers and officers sent various spots were mostly from rural area and they were convinced that they could spontaneously devote their lives only for the purpose of upholding Japan’s national polity.

Quite a few young men wanted to be a student of military high level school rather than teachers’ college. American government moved main port of Pacific Warship Troops from San Diego to Hawaii. Japanese politician like Premier Konoe and Yosuke Matsuoka, Minister of Foreign Affairs, knowing very well Chino-Japan war stalemate, must have been afraid of being caught between two fires. Japanese people in those days were too strict in character to treat it with smart political negotiations like card game rather than outbreak of the big war.

Attack fast before being attacked. This Japan’s traditional Samurai theory moved Japanese fleet to attack Pearl Harbor and damaged American fleet so much. And so many sailors were killed in the ships. After attacking Pearl Harbor Japanese government secretly expected the US government, under the democratic liberalism, expected to make negotiation to halt the war, but it was a great mistake. Because of this attack, American government successfully formed domestic opinion, and as the result, the war area was enlarged as far as Australia. Three years afterwards, in 1944, exhaustion of Japan’s stock-pile and human resources demanded college students and younger generation to join army. Domestically such a phenomenon accelerated students in teachers’ college to obey governmental demand viz. going to the weapon factory rather than studying at campus.

5. 西野先生の学徒動員の記録によると

名古屋市緑区鳴海町伝治小町 住友金属(株)鳴海工場
大阪第一師範学校 予科3年生70余名
1944年9月11日(月) 午前8時10分天王寺発東京行き特別列車で出発。14時30分大高駅着。





5.Mr. Nishino’s Record of Student Mobilization

According to the notes of Nishino’s, the records are as follows:
☆Place of mobilization:

Denji-komachi, Narumi-cho, Midori-kui, Nagoya-city
Sumitomo-kinzoku Narumi- factory.
Operated by the Ministry of Navy, making Zero-fighter’s engine parts. Approx. 70 students from Osaka-teachers’ college.
September 9, 1944. At 8:10 Tennoji Station, special train bound for Tokyo, arriving at 14:30 at Otaka sta.
☆Lodging: Sumitomo South Wing Dorm. 
☆Works in the factory:
Carrying melted duralmin metal to the air furnace to cast 14 cylinder heads. 50 pieces a day. Mr. Nishino, well built and powerful, climbed up to the high position and poured heated metal into the mold with a dipper. Though strong, hungry having no food, he was frequently injured and went to hospital.


American air raids repeatedly attacked Japan’s big cities, especially weapon factories. Fire bombs and machine gun bullets from the air attacked civilians on the ground almost everyday. Labor oversee-ers were MPs and they would not allow young workers to rush out into the shelter.They shouted incessantly, ”Even now in the Southern Pacific battles, many of our comrades are waiting for zero fighter coming to support them!” Many of the working students, therefore, could not stop working at all. Their strong sense of guilty and obligation kept them stay in the factory, and young boys and girls were burned there.

From Mr. Nishino’s Note:

Food shortage in those days was terrible. We were in the late teens, and nobody in the affluent society can imagine how miserable we were. Food scarcity attacked us in the 16 or 17 years of age, and our body were all thin with malnutrition, only faces were swolen up. In the rice bowl rice was only a little, and much sea weed and beans. Locust is in the side dish, we had to look for something to eat in the daytime when night duty. We were very lucky if we got Gokoku, a sweet potato, named Nation Protectionl. One day, a kind old woman gave us hishimochi or a water caltrop ball we ate it with tears thanking her for her favor. Mr. kansuke Kita, my best friend, and I often walked for food.
One day after the war, I heard a news from his family that Kansuke passed away after he got good job. I cannot help shedding tears everytime I remember his death, even now.



アメリカに帰れば、落ちていく子も家族と会えたはずよ。戦死だと知らされたら家族も泣くやろ、かわいそうに、敵も味方もあれへんがな、もう嫌や、戦争はいやや。西野先生はそんな思いがこみ上げて胸が詰まったという。ラジオのニュースでは日本軍の勝利ばかり報じられていたが、目の前の現実は真逆で、本土がこんなに空襲されているのに、外地で勝っているなんて、おかしいやないか。本間は負けてんのとちゃうか? とみんな思うたが、口にしたらひどい目にあわされる。事務所に呼び出されて体中アザだらけされて帰ってきた子がいた。









6.Half an Year Before War-end when Saipan…

On December 13, 1944, air raid by US air force began in earnest over the city of Nagoya area. 80 B-29 flew over here. Nagoya was the center of producing army airplane the percentage of which was more than 60, therefore US air force sent B29 here 56 times in all. Some Japanese air-fighters climbed up to attack them, and from high up in the sky, they turned as Kamikaze attack and bumping B-29 crushed it falling down together. Great applaud with big hands was heard yelling his brave deed, “This is real SAMURAI!.” But majority of those looking up in the sky, shedding tears, joined their hands in prayer, watching them falling down, thinking the families of those American boys, too, when receiving tragic news, their parents will also cry shedding tears just like the Japanese. No enemy, no war, we both have to hate wars.

Radio station gave us every day only victory news, but it was very strange to Mr. Nishino wondering, if so, why so many air raids again and again came to Nagoya every day and night. Someone said we’ve got fake news, and was called by the office, and returned with his face hardly beaten.

Mr. Nishino took note vis. Saipan fell on July 7th, Guam and Tinian September 27th, with no reports in detail. He could not imagine what happened there, but he knew there lived so many soldiers and dwellers, sugarcane plantation workers. But no Japanese people knew what happened there until after the war was over.

American bombers could use old Japanese take-off runway, and easily attack Nagoya people. Before war began, Japanese navy servicemen prospected so on the symposium in the women’s magazine Shufu-no-tomo or Friend of Housewife, their story became a real story. US-Japan war itself was a big mistake, under which Mr. Nishino’s painstaking dangerous labor continued everyday.


40 years after the war, in 1985, I went to Saipan, Guam, and Tinian to inspect the battlefield. On some seashore there scattered still lots of rotten buckets, buttery, ruined tank wrecked transport ships, but in other seashore, despite of the big battle, surface was neatly arranged. The contrast was in striking difference.

An old man who lived there before the war said in the town, such as Garapan and Charankanoa, there used to live many Japanese. Public bathhouses, restaurants, bars, barber and even parlor. Just after the naval gunfire, US marine corps attacked them and very young Japanese soldiers fought defending Japanese ordinary people shooting machine guns and in the end they were all shot down. And then, the old man said, a middle-aged Japanese prostitute picked up the gun, shouting, “You killed lots of my baby boys!” and kept shooting. But showered with lots of bullets, she at last fell down in blood and died with boys.

Textbooks in the High School say that Saipan fell on July the 6th. Applicants only hoping to enter college have to remember the date, which is only a nuisance, but please keep in remembrance that there used to be two nice Japanese towns, Charanca and Garapan, very comfortable, and that there used to exist many individual life history, and please bear in your mind how stupid it is to make war and break such town killing all the dwellers there.

Basho, Japanese famous HAIKU poet composed, “Summer weeds, Now a dream site of SAMURAI battle” Without Basho, without historian, all the human life is gone.

Fathers and mothers pulling hands of their children ran and ran under the glaring sunshine on the heated road, bullets flew, gunfire bombs exploded, and from the sky P51 air fighter shot bullets and family were all in this hollow…The hollow, the place where twenty dads, mamas, grandpa, grandma, children and babies were lying, is now a coffee shop bar under the shade of coconut tree.
